Top Coat Imagraf

High quality and safe finish with our Top Coat formulated to provide intense shine and exceptional durability.

Um close de um líquido rosa em um fundo branco.

Developed with an advanced formula that ensures a long-lasting, glossy finish for both artificial and natural nails. Promotes fast drying and superior protection, keeping your nails looking flawless for longer.

Main benefits of Top Coat

Intense Shine

Provides a glossy finish that highlights the beauty of nails and enhances the colors of nail polishes and gels.

Um desenho de uma pessoa segurando uma garrafa de vinho.

Hema Free

Developed without Hema (hydroxyethyl methacrylate), ensuring safer application and reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

Um desenho de um átomo em um fundo roxo.


It forms a protective layer that is resistant to wear and impacts, maintaining the shine and integrity of your nails for longer.

Um desenho de uma unha com uma estrela sobre um fundo roxo.

Quick Drying

Rapidly cures under UV/LED light in 60s, speeding up the process and improving service efficiency.

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